Monday, July 2, 2007


This month started with an insane 15 mile run in 100 degree weather. We experimented with a run/walk strategy that we might use in the triathlon, so that helped, but overall we felt pretty miserable at the end. In fact, that is what we probably learned about most this month: hot weather training. The additional water necessary and limited periods feasible for work-outs has added another factor. The weekend of the run was also Hoopfest, Spokane's big 3-on-3 tournament. I was going to play with my cousins, but eventually bailed out to allow more time for training and prevent a bad-timed sprained ankle. I don't think they missed me, though, as my 6'2" younger cousin filled in and played really well.

Following the first week of the month, I got the flu. I was a little upset with the timing, as we were preparing to ride the Seattle to Portland (STP) bike ride shortly. The ride itself was pretty cool. The first day was 140 miles, and we got picked up near Longview by my old college buddy Anton. Our previous longest-ride was 60 miles, so this was a big step-up for us. After the ride we went to our cabin on Mt. Hood for some much needed rest. I love that cabin. Of course, my "rest" turned into cleaning the roof and gutters, but that was to be expected.

The rest of the month was spent trying to re-build some endurance in the swim and run. Lauren found a nice 9 mile run in the neighborhood and we have done that course several times. To end the month, we ran the loop twice and completed our "long run" of 18 miles to prepare for the marathon leg of the triathlon. We both felt pretty strong at the run, but we took it slow. The race is now less than two weeks away and I don't feel totally prepared. And by "totally" I mean "not at all". Well, actually, I feel confident I can now finish this race (not something I felt two months ago). It is not finishing this race an embarrassing distance behind my girlfriend that is worrying me.

Training Log:
July 1st 15 mile run
2nd rest
3rd 1.5 mile swim
4th 40 mile bike
5th rest
6th flu-1 mile swim
7th flu
8th flu-18 mile bike
9th 1.2 mile swim
1oth 1.2 mile swim, 9 mile run
11th 1 hr bike
12th ??
13th rest
14th 140 mile bike (part of the Seattle to Portland bike ride)
15th 60 miles (STP)
16th rest
17th rest
18th 2 mile swim
19th 9 mile run
20th 1.5 mile swim
21st 50 mile bike
22nd 1.5 hr lake swim
23rd rest day
24th 1 mile swim, 9 mile run
25th 5 mile bike (flat tire)
26th 40 mile bike
27th 1.5 mile swim
28th rest
29th 18 mile run
30th 1.5 mile swim
31st 20 mile bike

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